Students in DPI Prof. Yolanda Cuomo's Design Projects class collaborated from across the globe to design and create online magazines POI and Wave.

A class project about visionaries. Each student was given 8 artists to research, write and design 4 pages for our POI book. We then worked collaboratively, like a design studio, and cobbled together a book look using pieces of each student's design. This became our blueprint for the book. When we finished the book, I asked each student, which of your 2 artists would you like to have dinner with? It was fascinating. Letizia Battaglia and James Baldwin, Rodchenko and Agnus Varda, Diana Vreeland and Matsuo Basho, John Cage and Sonia Delaunay, Jean-Luc Godard and Barbara Kruger. At the end of the night would there be a new soundtrack, art movement, political rebellion, or poem? What do you think the conversation would be about politics, light, word structure? Now, more than ever, art and imagination will save us from the banality of the humdrum world
By Alex Montgomery, Layton Davis, Ines Bu, Tatiana Maxwell, Tonia Zhang, Modupe Lamikanra, Jiaqi Liu, and Stefan Schutzer

GROUP MAGAZINE ASSIGNMENT Students were free to create a magazine on whatever they wanted. First thing: create a manifesto. This group came up with WAVE. They worked online in sessions from all over the world. Students: Stefan Schutzer (New York), Modupe Lamikanra (Nigeria), Tatiana Maxwell (New York), Jiaqi Liu (San Francisco)