Critical Studies Minor

A Minor in Critical Studies in the Department of Photography & Imaging is optional only for students majoring in Photography & Imaging.

Requirements for completion of the Minor in Critical Studies is completion of 16 points (4 courses) of Critical Studies, within a guided field of study of the student’s choice.

The courses taken for the minor are taken in addition to the minimum requirement of 24 points (6 courses).  Students who successfully complete the Minor will have completed a total of 40 points (10 courses) of Critical Studies.  These courses will vary according to course offerings and student’s topic; they will be:

  1. One course in the Department such as Photography Now (PHTI-UT 1130) or Toward a Critical Vocabulary (PHTI-UT 1129).
  2. One Advanced History Seminar (PHTI-UT 1120) in the Department. (The courses numbered PHTI-UT 1120 are repeatable for credit.)
  3. One art theory or humanities course relevant to the student’s field of interest in another department in the University. Topics may be Critical Theories, Visual Culture, Modern Histories, Media Studies, Cinema Studies, Performance Studies, Comparative Literature, and other approved topics.
  4. One relevant course in another department in the University or one more Advanced History Seminar (PHTI-UT 1120) in the Department of Photography & Imaging, or one four-credit internship (PHTI-UT 1300). (4 pts.)

The Critical Studies Minor is designed to allow students to develop an individualized program, resulting in a Senior Thesis paper, which may be published in the Senior Catalogue or on department website along with the student’s visual images.

Department of Photography & Imaging majors who choose to pursue the Minor in Critical Studies will declare their field of interest and proposed course of study, usually during the fourth or fifth semester. A Critical Studies faculty member will act both as the student’s thesis advisor and primary advisor.  Minors may concentrate in fields such as photojournalism, modern art, museum studies, performance studies, identity politics, digital media studies, etc.