Visiting Scholars

Visiting scholars come to NYU Performance Studies from all over the world to conduct independent research with our faculty members. During their residencies, visiting scholars give informal talks on their research, audit graduate courses, and meet with faculty to receive feedback on their research. If you are interested in becoming a visiting scholar with the department, please complete the application at the following link

Requirements & Common Requests:

- Please note that space is limited and we can only host up to four scholars a year, and we only accept applicants who have recieved their Ph.D. 

- Applicants must confirm a faculty sponsor before applying. Faculty must be in residence for the entire visitation period, not on any sort of leave or sabbatical 

- Applications must be submitted a minimum of 6 months prior to the requested period of time. 

- Complete applications including the PDF linked above, a CV, an a research statement should be emailed to the Department Administrator, Nicole Cusick. 

- Initial applications cannot exceed a one year window of visitation, extensions can be granted but the department cannot support more than one year in an initial application. 

- PS faculty can only support one scholar per academic year. 

- Applicants looking to secure grant/funding/Fulbright before formally applying can request a letter from the PS Department Administrator confirming that the Department of Performance Studies supports their visiting scholar application, but they can NOT provide documentation/guarantee the appointment without the formal application being approved. 

- Applicants are responsible to find their own housing accommodations. NYU does not provide or aid visiting scholars in securing housing. 

2024-2025 Visiting Scholars

Mariah Headshot

Mariah Miguel

Mariah Miguel is a performer, theater director and professor. She is an artist-researcher in the Arts of the Scene Program at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, where she received a doctoral exchange scholarship (PDSE-CAPES), and also a member of the Experimental Performance Nucleus (NEP - UFRJ) - coordinated by professors Adriana Schneider (PHD Advisor) and Eleonora Fabião; and the Você e Eu Collective - in partnership with Gabriel Morais. miguel intends to share the experience of more than a decade of learning and collaboration with performer and performance theorist Eleonora Fabião. Her scholarly interests include: Performance Art; Critical Performative Pedagogy; Critical Writing; Performative Writing; Performative Historiography; Friendship among bodies that are human and other-than-human. As a Visiting Scholar in Performance Studies at NYU, miguel will make conversations and learn from the body what the streets of New York teach about vibration, experimentation, friendship and city-creation, as well as visiting the archives created by Fabião during the period in which the Brazilian artist did her master's and doctorate in the same department.


Rosa Lambert

Rosa Lambert (she/her) is a Fulbright postdoctoral research fellow. She holds a PhD in Theater Studies and Intermediality from the University of Antwerp (Belgium), where she graduated in December 2023 with her thesis titled “Moving With(in) Language: Kinetic Textuality in Contemporary Performing Arts.” This study centers around the interaction between (spoken) text and (choreographed) movement in contemporary theatre and dance performances. During her stay at the NYU as a Visiting Scholar, she will research the archives of Judson Poets’ Theater, with the aim of uncovering the similarities between the literary-choreographic aesthetic of this New York-based collective and the re-emergence of cross-connections between literature and dance in contemporary performance. Her scholarly interests include text-based theater and dance, the contemporary and historical intersections between literature and choreography, and (post)phenomenological approaches towards language. Her work has been published in Documenta, Critical Stages/Scènes Critiques, and European journal of theatre and performance.