Jamie Dack
“On Your Radar” is a weekly Grad Film News segment, featuring a student picked at random.
Jamie Dack is a third year student at Grad Film. We asked her a few questions and here’s what she had to say:
Where are you from and what is it like there?
I am from a boring suburb in Maryland, right outside of Washington, DC. It felt restrictive to me and I constantly fantasized about being an adult and not living there. I withhold the town’s name out of some sort of guilt for speaking badly about it. Some people really like it!
What or who is inspiring you right now and why?
I’ve been digitally capturing old VHS tapes from my childhood, which has been super inspiring for my writing, especially because I’m writing a feature now that involves themes of family. I just recently found the tape my parents made of me in the hospital when I was born. It’s such a strange feeling to see myself at one day old! I’ve been watching the tapes as if I’m going to find answers to questions I have about my childhood and my family.
Oh, and I’ve been watching lots of short documentaries. The New York Times Op Docs for example, are very inspiring to me!
What has been your most rewarding experience at NYU Tisch Grad Film so far?
I love being in such a tight knit community of filmmakers, where we are all constantly creating work together. My classmates are incredibly supportive of one another’s work, in terms of giving feedback as well as giving their time to crew on each other’s projects. It has also been rewarding for me to be in an environment where I am always making work and have to show it to people instead of just keeping it to myself.