Dania Bdeir's film "In White" Takes Home Grand Prize

Tuesday, Nov 28, 2017

Director Dania Bdeir

Director Dania Bdeir

Alumna Dania Bdeir's latest short, "IN WHITE," - set in Beirut, Lebanon -
just won the INTERNATIONAL GRAND PRIZE at Curta Cinema, the Rio de Janeiro Short Film Festival, which is an Oscar qualifying festival.

"IN WHITE" continues to collect prizes as it jet sets around the world. From Rotterdam (Holland) to Uppsala (Sweden), to Alexandria (Egypt), and London (UK) twice, to Cote Bleue (France), all the way over to NYC (USA), across to Sydney (Australia) and most recently in Rio De Janeiro (Brazil). The film has screened all over the world.

The live action short has also been broadcasted on BBC Arabia.

Congrats to Dania and her team! Continue to track "IN WHITE" and it's progress HERE as it makes its way through the festival circuit and hopefully to the Oscars!