On Your Radar: Paul Wyderka

Monday, Feb 15, 2021

Paul J Wyderka

Paul J Wyderka

On Your Radar is a Grad Film News segment that features a current student. We asked Paul Wyderka a few questions and this is what he said.

Where do you consider home and what is it like there?

I guess I consider LA to be my home. I moved there from Orange County when I went to undergrad. People always want to know about Orange County. In my mind I picture seafoam and orange groves that gradually became tract housing. My memory has a lot of brown-beige and clay shingles.  When I moved an hour north to LA I had to get used to more randomness. People love talking about LA - especially people that live there.  That’s one of the first things you notice.  That and that the air feels nice. I love the city but you have to remember that it can’t love you back and that’s okay. 

What is currently inspiring you as a filmmaker?

Right now, anyone who finishes a movie is an inspiration, especially when it’s a project that takes  a significant period of time. To have something that you come up with, by yourself, in your head, and that’s all that is until you have to confront the physics of raising a bank and small army. It seems impossible, or at least an act of faith, especially on a budget. 

I would also add in addition to filmmakers, anyone who wants to do something challenging and does it, whether it’s activism, getting a small business off the ground, or running a marathon. There's a lot of noise out there and I'm in awe of those that can tune it out.

What has been your most rewarding experience at NYU Tisch Grad Film so far?

In this program you work a lot - on your own and collaborating. You learn a lot by having to get through it. First year it’s the velocity the projects come at you. Second year it’s the production period. You come out of it stronger while getting to work with some of the loveliest people you’ll ever meet.