Manya Glassman
On Your Radar is a Grad Film News segment that features a current student. We asked Manya Glassman a few questions and this is what she said.
Where do you consider home and what is it like there?
My hometown is Providence, RI. I feel very lucky to have grown up there. It's a small city with an incredibly underrated overwhelmingly strong art community. The willingness to help out and collaborate has definitely influenced how I work today in NYC.
What is currently inspiring you as a filmmaker?
What inspires me as a filmmaker... asking the big questions and exploring them visually. I want to use film to contemplate what makes us all human, and what connects us as beings. Film making gives us the power of exploring these simple truths in life (of love, pain, empathy...), and motivates me to be a filmmaker.
What has been your most rewarding experience at NYU Tisch Grad Film so far?
So far my most rewarding experience at NYU has simply been meeting my peers. I have made life long collaborators who I want to work with forever and stay friends with. I feel very lucky to be part of this community and want to continue these meaningful connections even one my time here is over.
Check out her vimeo and follow her on Instagram.