DDW Spotlight: Congratulations to the Winners of the 2023 Green Violet Script Call

Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Congratulations to the Winners of the 2023 Green Violet Script Call

Everyone who submitted to this year’s inaugural Green Violet Script Call has something to be proud of.  They addressed one of the most pressing topics of our day and explored the intricacies and complexities of the climate conversation in original, creative, engaging, and even, uplifting ways.

Of the several scripts written by the Tisch community that were submitted to this year’s Green Violet script call, the three scripts deemed the most compelling by our judges are:

The Family Saves a Life by jose sebastian alberdi

“Eerie, moving and effective. This play accurately and effectively captures the existential dread of what it means to bring a  child into a dying world, while simultaneously telling a story about a group of people with extreme/complicated views. Smart and impressive.” 

Proxima by Salvatore Aprile

“A fresh take on a tried-and-true sci-fi set up, with intriguing characters and a well thought out world. Highly enjoyable and expertly crafted.”

Happenstance by Samuel Hutchison

“This script was masterfully written, weaving horror and dark comedy together to create a world that’s colorfully unhinged. From the rituals to the language, the characters to the environment, the elements work together to create a story so strange, it lingers after the final page.”


Honorable Mention:

Sanctum by Mickey Falcone

“In the span of 10 pages, Falcone established a distinctive world and a compelling source of conflict, making this piece a vivid – and original – sample of dramatic work.”

Interstate by Lauren Koo

“Unique and interesting, subtly evoking key ideas surrounding extraction, colonization, and the dangers of greed.”


Thanks to everyone for their important work, and congratulations to our winning writers.

Jose Alberdi

Jose Alberdi

jose sebastian alberdi writes plays to make sense of things he finds interesting &/or important. Selected plays: bogfriends (O’Neill NPC Selection 2023); The Family Saves A Life (O’Neill Semi-Finalist 2022); rachel, nevada; and de tal palo, tal astilla, a ten-minute play (Take Ten Theater Masters 2023, Concord Theatricals/Sam French). @milk_jello

Salvatore Aprile

Salvatore Aprile

Salvatore Aprile is a screenwriter, originally from Long Island. His work tackles labor, social and economic exploitation, and environmentalism. 


Samuel Hutchison

Samuel Hutchison

Samuel Hutchison is a screenwriter and filmmaker based in NYC, but writes as if just scraped from the crab pots that filled his life growing up along the Chesapeake Bay in Seaford, Virginia.  His work often explores environmental themes facing the world through darkly comedic and horrific stories.

Honorable Mentions

Lauren Koo is a writer and filmmaker from California's bay area, where she learned her love for trees, and sunlight, and common birds. In her work she attempts to impart emotional truths (which has a tendency to lead her back, again, to nature).


Mickey Falcone is a queer Italian-American writer from New York. Mickey’s work explores themes of unlikely bravery, the complexities of grief and the sometimes-paradoxical nature of God and religion, while elevating queer, trans and non-binary representation. As a writer, a filmmaker and a student of the craft, Mickey seeks to create spaces of empathy, in order to move the social outlook beyond pride and into glory.