Alicia Louzoun-Heisler: The 2021 Goldberg Play Prize Winner!

Tuesday, Feb 16, 2021

Alicia Louzoun-Heisler

Alicia Louzoun-Heisler

Congratulations to first-year graduate student Alicia Louzoun-Heisler who is the winner of the 2021 Goldberg Play Prize for her work Bashert!

This year's jury consisted of Migdalia Cruz, Oskar Eustis, Rinne Groff, Chisa Hutchinson, and Terry Curtis Fox.

Runners-up were:

No Different Than Cotton or Cobalt by Thaddeus McCants

Out of Balance by Lindsay Carpenter

Poor Queenie by Eliana Theologides Rodriguez

Two Hundred Forty Frames of an Episode of Tom and Jerry by Scottie Harvey

Voice Without a Body by Celeste Yim