January 2022 Tisch Alumni Peer Script Feedback Exchange Program

January 2022 Tisch Alumni Peer Script Feedback Exchange Program

If you are in the process of developing a script and would like to receive feedback on it from a fellow Tisch alumni, consider participating in the 2022 Tisch Alumni Peer Script Feedback Exchange Program. 

The program coordinator will pair writers with scripts in similar disciplines to review each other's work on a one-on-one basis. Each writer will have a month to review and provide feedback on the script given to them by the program coordinator. Registration is open now and will run until 11:59 PM EST on 12/31/2021. 

This program is open to Tisch alumni world-wide. All information submitted will be kept confidential. If you would like to participate, please get a free ticket for the event and agree to the following guidelines:

Guidelines for the 2022 Tisch Alumni Peer Script Feedback Exchange Program

1.     Each writer needs to email a PDF copy of their script in industry standard format to Barry Putt at bmputt@aol.com prior to the start of the program date.

2.     The program coordinator (Barry Putt) will pair writers together and distribute the scripts to the assigned participants. (screenplay to screenplay, stage play to stage play, etc.).

(Note: There are more of some types of scripts in the program than others. Every effort will be made to assure that each participant is in at least one pairing. Any script that falls outside of the standard length in their category will be asked to be paired together. This primarily applies to screenplays that are over 120 pages and hour-long dramas that are over 60 pages.)

3.     As a participant, you agree to read and provide feedback on the script assigned to you within a three week period. That period will start on the day that you receive the script to review.

4.     Once you have completed your feedback, please email it to the program coordinator (Barry Putt) at bmputt@aol.com.

5.     After the program coordinator receives feedback from both paired writers, feedback will be distributed to the writers.

(Note: If a participant does not submit feedback on a script, they will no longer be able to participate in the Peer Script Feedback Exchange or be able to present at the NYU/Tisch Alumni Script Critique and Networking Group meetings which are held monthly in New York.)

By participating in this exchange, you attest that you are the author of the script you are submitting and that you have cleared all rights for the script to be reviewed.

By moving forward, you agree to read a minimum of one script and provide thorough, thoughtful, constructive feedback on that script. The program coordinator will provide a feedback template, which you are welcome to use as a guide if you find it helpful.

In order to participate, you must complete the Eventbrite registration and send your script to the program coordinator (Barry Putt) at bmputt@aol.com by 12/31/2021. 

Participants will have a month to provide feedback on a script. The program coordinator, Barry Putt, will contact participants on 1/2/2022 to begin the program.

NOTE: You have the option of submitting multiple scripts for review and/or receiving feedback from multiple writers on the same script. If this is of interest, please complete a separate Eventbrite registration for each script and/or number of reviews you are seeking to receive on a single script. You will need to review and provide thorough feedback on the same number of scripts that you are seeking feedback on. The same rules apply to submitting/reviewing multiple scripts as they do to reviewing/submitting a single script.