Tisch Events
Tisch School of the Arts is alive with energy because of its students, faculty, alumni, and staff. We look forward to welcoming you to our school.
Request accommodations here.
Tisch School of the Arts is alive with energy because of its students, faculty, alumni, and staff. We look forward to welcoming you to our school.
Request disability accommodations here.
Jan. 21
Career Express Chats
Want to get resume feedback or ask a question regarding your career pursuits? Join TOCD for Express Chats! This is your opportunity to meet with a TOCD counselor to discuss anything and everything career.
Jan. 23
Career Express Chats
Want to get resume feedback or ask a question regarding your career pursuits? Join TOCD for Express Chats! This is your opportunity to meet with a TOCD counselor to discuss anything and everything career.
Jan. 30
Playtest Thursday
If you’re making a game, you need to playtest! Bring your work-in-progress game and get feedback from fellow game makers!
Feb. 7
DPI 2025 BFA Senior Thesis Exhibition, Curated by Kalia Brooks
The Department of Photography & Imaging is proud to present the 2025 BFA Thesis Exhibition at New York University Tisch School of the Arts!
Feb. 21 – Apr. 18
Secret Sixteen Screening
This monthly series pairs 16mm films from the Cinema Studies Archive with lo-fi gems, oddball curiosities, and pre-internet obscurities.