Tisch Stories
Watch this collection of videos of current and past faculty, alumni and staff remember Tisch School of the Arts as we celebrate our 50th Anniversary.
- Rudy Azank
- Arnie Baskin
- Karl Bardosh
- Mary Bitel
- Mary Schmidt
Campbell - Robert Cameron
- John Canemaker
- Kay Cummings
- Seán Curran
- Camille D’Elia
- Carlos De Jesus
- Thomas Drysdale
- Dan Frank
- Ken Friedman
- Anita Gupta
- Nancy Hechinger
- Chris Jaehing
- Alicia Kubes
- Rosanne Limoncelli
- Frank Lantz
- Scott Loane
- Stevin Azo Michels
- Lynne McVeigh
- Laurence Maslon
- Lynn Martin
- Mel Marvin
- Ann Mathews
- Janet Neipris
- Tom Oppenheim
- Mary Overlie
- Patti Pearson/
Sheril Antonio - Jim Pietsch
- Sam Pollard
- Laurin Raiken
- Shelley Rice
- Noel Rodriguez
- Hilary Rosenfeld
- Dan Sandford
- Nick Sansano
- Laszlo Santha
- Susan Sandler
- Richard Schechner
- Louis Scheeder
- Gail Segal
- Sandi Sissel
- Robert Stam
- Nick Tanis
- Andy Teirstein
- John Tintori
- Bill Tunnicliffe
- Tzipi Trope
- Richard Wesley
- Marco Williams
- Janet Zarish