Fall 2014

  • Cross-Tisch: Trance-Modernisms

    Tuesday, Dec 2, 2014

    POSSESSING TIME AND SOUNDING SPACES IN THE ARTS: Robert Stam (Cinema Studies), Awam Amkpa (Drama), and Deborah Kapchan (Performance Studies) will discuss the impact of African spirit religions and aesthetics in film, performance, and sound.

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  • Cross-Tisch: Flawless Sabrina

    Friday, Nov 14, 2014

    A public conversation with legendary drag impresario and gender activist Flawless Sabrina, (aka Jack Doroshow) an influential entrepreneur establishing queer public performance in a pre-Stonewall era. As a trailblazer Flawless Sabrina appropriated the art form of the beauty pageant to cross gender boundaries and awarded visibility of the transgressing and beholding of beauty while challenging societal heteronormative standards at a time when cross dressing was not only pathologized but also illegal. Arrested and detained Flawless refused to be kept in the closet as an oddity or a secret but continued to be a champion, role model and support for queer fluid expression and representation without shame or apology.

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  • Fred Herko Symposium

    Saturday, Oct 25, 2014

    On the fiftieth anniversary of the death of Judson dancer and Warhol superstar Fred Herko, this one-day event will feature a range of interdisciplinary thinkers exploring and experimenting with how we read the life and work of one of New York’s most iconic queer performers. Using archival photographs of Herko as a point of departure, speakers have been invited to think broadly about how we teach and write queer performance histories, as well as how we might differently attend to the lives of performers - those crucial though often fleeting figures who remain primarily in the ways they appear scattered throughout the archives of others.

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  • Cross-Tisch: The Interdepartmental Faculty Series

    Wednesday, Oct 4, 2014

    BLACK PORTRAITURES: What are we to make of these extraordinary images that have played a crucial role in shaping identities and ideals of the black body for over 500 years? We hope to engage in a discussion that will change perceptions and publish an extensive catalog of the works discussed in order to counter the perceived notions of the black body, and explore ways in which to see how these collected works are viewed as beautiful renderings, as well.

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    Thursday, Oct 2, 2014

    The 2014 Hemi GSI Convergence is made possible by the generous support of the Hemispheric Institute of Performance and Politics (NYU); the Canadian Consortium on Performance and Politics in the Americas, funded in large part through Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC); the Department of Performance Studies (NYU); the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences (NYU); Tisch School of the Arts (NYU); the Department of Spanish and Portuguese Languages and Literatures (NYU); and the Department of Iberian and Latin American Cultures (Columbia).

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