Emerson Cyrus Olson

M.A. Candidate

Photo of MA candidate, Emerson Cyrus Olson

Emerson Olson is a violinist/anthropologist from Aurora, Colorado. They've played in the Chamber Orchestra of the Springs, the Pikes Peak Philharmonic, and the Manitou Chamber Music Festival since 2019. Emerson is a previous Youth on Record Podcasting Intern holding episodes on Youth on Rewind and Underground at the Showcase. They currently play in the indie-folk group LightPost and hold a special interest in storytelling and sound design. 

Why PS @ NYU?

I thought it was a great mixture of my two interests in anthropology and musical performance especially regarding identity and how individuals perform it through sound.



New York University

Master of Arts Candidate - Performance Studies

New York, New York

University of Colorado 

Bachelor of Arts - Visual and Performing Arts, Violin concentration

Bachelor of Arts - Anthropology, Culture and Linguistics concentration 

Colorado Springs, Colorado