Winnie Schwaid-Lindner, Spring 2017

Wednesday, Jun 21, 2017

Winnie Schwaid-Lindner, Jewish Museum, Spring 2017

The Jewish Museum's National Jewish Archive of Broadcasting (NJAB) is an extensive collection of broadcast materials, containing over 5,500 items relating to the American Jewish experience. These materials consist mostly of radio and television broadcasts aired between the 1930s and the 2000s. The majority of these materials are unique, which indicates that NJAB contains the only copy of its kind. 

At NJAB, the original database containing their materials was stored in a 15 year old server. After helping pull all of the existing information off the server, I performed metadata enrichment on the records, and cataloged new items according to PBCore. In addition, I assessed and revised the existing inventory, and prepared several reports ranging on topics from intellectual property concerns to deaccessioning options.

The Jewish Museum

The Jewish Museum

The Jewish Museum

The Jewish Museum