Casey Hussey

Casey Hussey (she/her) is a multi-faceted artist focused on telling stories that allow art to reach a wider audience. Originally from outside Boston, Massachusetts, Casey has worked as a director, producer, writer and stage manager across film and theatre and hopes to continue doing so after she graduates.
Title of Capstone Project
FAKEFRUIT - Deleting the Individual
Description of Capstone Project
A look into how Tik Tok has ruptured our desire to have individual thoughts and opinions… For my capstone project, I seek to better understand the technologically-dependent environment our world has morphed into and uncover the deeply-rooted truths to this new age of art and digital connection. Inspired by Yoko Ono’s work Grapefruit in relation to Marina Abramovic’s The Artist is Present, I have created a series of interactive prompts as a critical reflection of how we (I) use social media and communicate today. A feminist-forward, cyborgian take on Jose Munoz' Disidentifications for the handheld obsessed, I aim to find a cure for this heinous disease that has infected our ability to perform authentically in everyday life.
What Inspired Your Project?
Technology, through the performative lens, has become my kryptonite ever since my time in PS began... As someone who lives with my phone glued to my hand, constantly wanting something to look at, I think it is important to take a closer look at what makes us so addicted and sure of it's necessity, especially in a time where creation is at our fingertips and is becoming a source of income for so many around us.