PS Professor André Lepecki
PS Professor André Lepecki will be giving a lecture at the University of Cape Town's Institute for Creative Arts (ICA)'s 2024 Live Art Festival. The lecture is titled: The continuous struggle: towards a choreopolitics without time and will be held this Saturday, September 7th at 11:00 AM in the UCT Hiddingh Campus in Gardens, Cape Town.
Lecture Description:
In this talk, "movement" and “time” will be addressed as fundamental political substances through which a whole system of dominance over bodies, their actions, and their non-actions has been erected under different names — such as “liberal modernity,” or “progress,” or “global capitalism.” As seen during the various lockdowns in the first few months of the COVID-19 pandemic, both time and movement proved to be at the core of fierce disputes around the definition and experience of freedom. With the help of some recent choreographies and performances, particularly by the Brazilian choreographers Davi Pontes & Wallace Ferreira, and by the Brooklyn and Harare-based choreographer nora chipaumire, we will see how current disputes over who owns movement, who has the right to movement, or when should movement take place, may help us rethink — together with the critical theory of Denise Ferreira da Silva, Michelle Wright, and Sylvia Wynter -- the very foundations of what we still insist on calling "time.” Which means that another title for this talk could simply be: “A Luta Continua."