Vol. XXXVII, issue 207-208 (Spring 2022)
Performance Studies Professor André Lepecki has been featured in the latest issue of MASKA Journal. In this issue, Professor Lepecki is interviewed by the scholar/artist Andrej Mircev on the current aspects of his concept of ‘choreopolice”.
MASKA says of this issue, "Authors’ contributions in this issue focus on the topic of “police” using different approaches. Militarization, state of emergency and violence are discussed applying specific discourses and modi operandi, while they all draw associations with Rancière’s theory of “police” and Lepecki’s “choreopolice”. However, before the reader finds her way to the main thematic segment, she first encounters critical writings of the Neodvisni section followed by the column Crumbs from the scene with the humoresque, ego-tripping self-interview by the Frankfurt Hauptschule collective who became famous for their “actionistic” performances that involved the burning of police cars. Izidor Barši’s article, “Police and the Public: Two Scenes from Theory,” is a theoretical introduction into the main thematic section, offering an in-depth, mise-en-scène investigation of Rancière’s theory of “police” and Althusser’s notion of “interpellation,” while also connecting the two in the context of (their) subjective relations to the police."
Check out this latest issue and Professor Lepecki's conversation with Andrej Mircev using the link below!