Karen Jaime (Ph.D. '13)
Performance Studies alum Karen Jaime (Ph.D. '13), Assistant Professor in Latina/o Studies and in the Department of Performing and Media Arts at Cornell University, has been awarded a Woodrow Wilson National Career Enhancement Fellowship for Spring 2019.
This fellowship creates career development opportunities for faculty with promising research projects and enables fellows to meet at length with mentors to advise them on next steps in professional development.
Professor Jaime’s time as a Woodrow Wilson Career Enhancement Fellow will result in the final stages of publication for her monograph, The Queer Loisaida: Performance Aesthetics at the Nuyorican Poets Café. According to Jaime, this will be the first queer genealogy and critical study of the historical, political and cultural conditions under which the term “Nuyorican” shifted from a raced/ethnic identity marker to “nuyorican,” an aesthetic practice and political-poetical alliance.
In addition to Jaime’s Woodrow Wilson Career Enhancement Fellowship, she will be a Scholar in Residence at the Hemispheric Institute of Performance and Politics at New York University this coming Fall semester.