Sattriya: Classical Dance of Assam A lecture by Dr. Sunil Kothari

Dance historian, scholar, author, critic, and former Dean and Professor of The School of Arts and Aesthetics at Jawaharlal Nehru University in New Delhi, India, Dr. Sunil Kothari, will deliver an illustrated talk on SATTRIYA: Classical Dance of Assam, the 8th recognized classical dance form of India.
Originating some 500 years ago, and propagated as neo Vaishnavism, a sect of the Hindu religion, by Saint Sankar Dev (1449-1510 AD), it has been practiced in more than 600 monasteries in Assam.These dance forms were brought to the notice of scholars, dancers, and critics in the year 1955 during All India Dance festival held in New Delhi, but were noticed as a classical dance form during All India Dance Seminar in April 1958. However, it got recognition as the 8th classical dance form in the year 2000.
The lecture will include screenings of excerpts from the film "In the Mists of Majuli." In addition, two dancers from Assam will demonstrate the salient features of Sattriya dance and show how they have now become a part of the international dance community.