Juhyun Woo

Juhyun Woo is an artist/writer based in Seoul, South Korea. She graduated with a BA degree in Theatre and Performance Directing at Dankook University. From the last semester of her senior year, she started to work in the theatre field. She worked in a number of productions and collaborated with artists from various fields. She gained experience from directing to lighting and sound designing etc. Now she's trying to pursue her career goal as a professional dramaturg and wanting to explore the academics of Performance Studies.
Why PS @ NYU?
Juhyun Woo has always been interested in the context of drama and the creation of social/cultural meanings through text - stage - audience steps when working in the live theatre production. As she worked with a variety of genres of drama, she realized that there were more steps before the existence of the text. Juhyun thought that she could be able to find what composes the discourse that affects the text of performance via Performance Studies.