Emily Nabasny, Spring 2013

Thursday, Jun 20, 2013

Emily Nabasny, New York Women in Film and Television, Spring 2013, NEH

New York Women in Film and Television has multiple collections with a combined total of over 900 materials largely made up of various video formats. During my internship I worked on multiple projects and tasks including: the assessment of collections, and fundraising for the preservation of a film. One collection I worked on contains over 200 videos of films preserved with funding provided by the Women's Film Preservation Fund (WFPF).

As part of this assessment I researched digital preservation and storage options that would help NYWIFT to have inexpensive storage, as well as safe and secure digital backups. Additionally I helped the WFPF track down the copyright holder for films that they are interested in preserving in the future. For another project I created and maintained a crowdfunding campaign on Indiegogo to help raise money for the preservation of "Seven Women Seven Sins" directed by Helke Sander, Bette Gordon, Maxi Cohen, Chantal Akerman, Valie Export, Laurence Gavron, and Ulrike Ottinger. Through this internship I gained experience identifying and inspecting video materials, and acquired an understanding of what it takes for a non-profit organization to operate and continue offering grants for the preservation of women's work.

Emily Nabasny at the New York Women in Film and Television

Emily Nabasny at the New York Women in Film and Television

New York Women in Film and Television

New York Women in Film and Television