Shiyang Jiang, Fall 2020

Monday, Jan 4, 2021

Shiyang Jiang, The Flaherty, Fall 2020, NEH

My internship placement in Fall 2020 was at the International Film Seminars, Inc. / Flaherty. I conducted a collection assessment of the physical media and digital assets at the Brooklyn office. The collection is mostly consists of film screeners and seminar recordings. I wrote a comprehensive report to assess the condition of the collection and made recommendations of collection management activities. For physical media, I inventoried the magnetic and optical media and inspected the materials for signs of deterioration. For the digital collection, I created a full inventory to provide better control over the assets and generate MD5 checksums for the files in the hard drives for verifying the data integrity. This internship developed my understanding of collection management in a partly production environment and enhanced my technical skills in using digital preservation tools.

Shiyang Jiang interned at The Flaherty in Fall 2020.

Shiyang Jiang interned at The Flaherty in Fall 2020.

Shiyang Jiang interned at The Flaherty in Fall 2020.

Shiyang Jiang interned at The Flaherty in Fall 2020.