The Brendan Bradley Jigsaw Fund Grants

The Brendan Bradley Jigsaw Fund Grant will award up to two $2,500 grants to support the development of innovative, cross-collaborative live performance projects utilizing digital media and technology. The final presentation will be performed live. However, if a purely digital concept is developed, creating an event where a large audience would be invited to experience it, that combination of performance and technology could qualify.



Tisch Undergraduate Sophomores and Juniors are eligible to apply as creators.


Grant Amount

Up to $2,500 per grant.



All APPLICATIONS must be submitted by November 30th.  Recipients will be announced by December 20th, 2016.

Applications must include the following:

  • A *link to a pitch video of 2-5 minutes in length (think Kickstarter or Indiegogo). Each of the student creators should introduce themselves, their department, their vision and its desired impact.
  • A list of all team members. Each team must have a minimum of 3 team members, each representing a different Tisch department. Each team must identify:
  • A Team Leader/Liaison who will be the point person responsible for providing updates/check-ins for the use of funds as well as the person to whom the funds will be distributed.
  • A Videographer responsible for creating a video which documents the process/progress of the project and how the grant was used.
    • A breakdown of projected expenses
    • A detailed timeline of the project
    • A brief explanation of the reason(s) for seeking the grant

*If you need assistance uploading your video and generating a URL link, please contact Danny Larsen at


Do you have an idea but not a collaborator or team you are working with yet?

Come to the “Grant Meet and Greet” to mix and mingle with potential collaborators from the different department across Tisch!

November 11th 5pm-6:30pm 12th Dean’s Conference Room

Email to RSVP



The funds are to be used to offset the practical costs of materials and venue rental. Venue rental should only be considered if Tisch venues are not suitable, available or appropriate. Funds should not be used for artist fees. Once grants are awarded, the student creators manage the funds. Projects cannot be academic. They must be extra-curricular.

Some examples of eligible projects might be:

  • LIVE PERFORMANCE ENHANCED BY TECH: A dance piece using digital projections and on stage cameras to simulate a more immersive audience experience
  • LIVE PERFORMANCE PERFORMED THROUGH TECH: A theatrical performance live streamed between two different venues with actors performing the same play for two separate audiences in both live performance and digital projection
  • LIVE PERFORMANCE EXPERIENCED THROUGH TECH: Imagine a “Sleep No More” style interactive work where audience members wear VR headsets and step into the role of the performer.



The concept for the project and the resulting work created will be jointly owned by all team members who are listed on the application. Each student applying will be an equal owner of the work.

The following acknowledgement must accompany projects awarded the grant in all print media and mentions as they progress over time:

This project was made possible by a gift from The Jigsaw Ensemble, a digital media company owned and operated by Brendan Andolsek Bradley (Tisch ’05) committed to exploring new technology in performative storytelling. The Brendan Bradley Jigsaw Fund supports the development of innovative, cross-collaborative live performance projects utilizing digital media and technology. It reflects the belief that the evolution of live performance will continue to be a complex puzzle of physical and digital challenges and that collaborative problem-solving yields the best solutions. For more information, please visit:


CLICK HERE to apply for The Brendan Bradley Jigsaw Fund Grant

Submit by November 30th