Daniel Shiffman, Introduction to Neural Networks, Youtube.com
Daniel Shiffman, assistant arts professor in the Interactive Telecommunications Program (ITP) at NYU’s Tisch School of the Arts, is a recipient of Google’s Faculty Research Award. As part of Google’s commitment to developing new technologies to help internet users find and use information, the Google Faculty Research Awards Program aims to recognize and support world-class, permanent faculty pursuing cutting-edge research in areas of mutual interest.
The Google grant will fund a new research initiative at ITP, led by Professor Shiffman, who serves as the area head for computational media at ITP and as a director of The Processing Foundation, which maintains beginner-friendly creative coding platform p5js.org that serves as the basis for ITP’s computational curriculum. Shiffman also maintains a creative coding YouTube channel with a subscriber base of nearly 400,000.
The goal of this collaboration is to make the techniques and tools for deep learning accessible to a broad audience of artists, creative coders, and students at both the high school and university levels. The focus will be on generating beginner-friendly open education resources (open source books, online video and text tutorials, sample syllabi) as well as development and curation of an online exhibition of web-based deep learning experiments.
About ITP at NYU
ITP, which is best described as a “Center for the Recently Possible,” is a two-year graduate program in the NYU Tisch School of the Arts whose mission is to explore the imaginative use of communications technologies — how they might augment, improve, and bring delight and art into people's lives. To find out more about ITP and its new affiliated undergraduate BFA program in Interactive Media Arts (IMA), launching in Fall 2018, go to itp.nyu.edu.
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