Nicolas Belmonte from Uber

headshot for Nicolas Belmonte

Nicolas Belmonte is the head of the Visualization group at Uber. The Visualization team at Uber builds data products to explore self-driving car, geospatial and business data in collaboration with groups like the Advanced Technology Group (ATG), Maps, Sensing Inference and Research, AI Labs, Risk and Security and the Machine Learning Platform. Prior to Uber Nicolas run the effort at Twitter, a public-facing platform that delivered visual narratives describing how big events were lived through the Twitter platform. Nicolas’ interests span from information design to computer graphics, covering data journalism, abstract and scientific visualization and data illustration/art.

In this talk Nicolas will give an overview of some of the projects developed at Uber across the Visual Insights, Advanced Analytics, Special Projects and ATG-Visualization teams covering self-driving car visualization for inspection and debugging of autonomous vehicles’ data, visual exploratory data analysis products for geospatial data and the open source visualization stack developed at Uber consisting of and its surrounding ecosystem of libraries.