Year One

Year One is all about collaboration, critique, and finding your voice.  The curriculum integrates labs, seminars, tutorials, and master classes.


Every week you and a different collaborator write and present exercises that highlight various formal and structural aspects of the musical theatre form, from the AABA song to extended musical sequences to short form musicals. After receiving critique and feedback from faculty and peers, you and your collaborator revise your work, experiencing firsthand the importance of the rewrite step.


Seminars and content classes cover craft, musical theatre history, source material, structure and storytelling.


Tutorials are small classes that spotlight your chosen discipline (lyrics or music).  And since you are all storytellers, everyone will also attend Playwriting Tutorials.

Master Classes

Throughout the year master classes are offered by established directors, choreographers, composers, lyricists, bookwriters, producers and designers.

Year One Optional Classes & Additional Opportunities

  • Film Scoring

    A series of seminars that examine the history of film scoring, and one-on-one lessons.

  • Choreographers, Composers, & Designers

    A collaboration with the Tisch Dance & Design Departments where GMTWP students create music for dance pieces that are fully-staged with costumes and set design.

  • Composer/Lyricist Class

    An opportunity for those of you who write both words and music to flex your composer/lyricist muscles.

  • Collaboration Class with New Studio on Broadway

    A collaboration with Tisch Drama’s New Studio on Broadway (NSB) where you will learn about the relationship between the writer and the actor through the performance and critique of new work.

  • Music for Wordspeople

    An opportunity for lyricists who are not musically literate to strengthen their knowledge of music theory.
