Acting Artistic Review

For candidates who only wish to be considered for an acting studio for their primary training.

Tisch Drama Production Still




Two contrasting monologues - both contemporary - presented in English

  • We define “contemporary” as anything written from around 1900 to now.
  • Each monologue must be under 90 seconds in length.
  • All monologues must be from published plays (no musicals; no film/TV scripts; no original material).
  • Each monologue should be written as such, not a dialogue pieced and edited together to make a monologue.
  • Please choose material that is within your age range (roles you would be cast in now).
  • The gender of the character need not be a determining factor when choosing a monologue.
  • Props and costumes are not permitted.
  • We want to hear your natural voice. Please do not add an accent to your monologues.

We encourage you to explore the great depth and breadth of material in the field of theater to find engaging and challenging material.

Please know that you may be asked to perform one or two monologues during your artistic review. 


You will have an opportunity to converse with your evaluator before or after presenting your monologues. This is a chance for us to get to know you a little bit more; in addition to watching your work as an artist, we want to learn about who you are as a person.


You are required to bring both a photograph and a résumé to the artistic review, in additon to uploading them digitally to the artistic review portal. A snapshot is preferable, as long as you're regognizable in the photo. Please use the industry standard for a performing arts résumé (example here). Your evaluator will not accept additional material beyond the photo and résumé.


Please wear clothing and shoes that allow you to move comfortably in your audition. For those inclined to wear heels, please keep them at a reasonable height. You are welcome to perform barefoot. The session begins with a short group warm-up. Movement clothes are not required for the warm-up, but you are welcome to wear them. You will have time to change into another outfit for your artistic review.


You will reserve either a morning or afternoon session for your artistic review. You should expect to be with us for the entire session. Sessions are approximately 3.5 hours. All candidates arrive at the same time to check in. For the most part, check-in for morning sessions begins at 9:00 and afternoon sessions at 2:00.

When you walk into the room we know you are excited and nervous and in the zone. We know you want us to like you, to believe you are special and worthy.
We know this because we have lived this too: My first professional audition went very well. When I was through, however, intending to exit gracefully, I walked into a closet door. Right smack into it. I got the part but I spent a week re-living the horror of that moment.  
We know you have good and bad days and we are right with you, hoping this is one of your good days. We are trained to see beyond what you are able to do, good day or not. No matter how you think it went, once you leave that space, it is out of your hands. You did the best you could do on that day in that moment.   

— Advice from an Acting Evaluator