International dancer / choreographer and innovative dance company Artistic Director Akram Khan gave a stunning master class for the dance students at Tisch School of the Arts. The students are members of NYU's Second Avenue Dance Company within the Department of Dance.

Akram Khan NYU Tisch Dance Master Class

Akram Khan NYU Tisch Dance Master Class
Tisch Dance student Lauren Settembrino summed up the master class perfectly. Settembrino said: "What better way to break in a new dance/comp/life notebook than observing Akram Khan teach a master class at Tisch??!!!"

Akram Khan NYU Tisch Dance Master Class with Chair Sean Curran

Akram Khan NYU Tisch Dance Master Class

Akram Khan teaches with his musicians

Akram Khan teaches NYU Tisch Dance Master Class
Photos by David Gonsier Photography