Seth Anderson, Spring 2011

Monday, Jun 6, 2011

Seth Anderson, Library of the Jewish Theological Society, Spring 2011, IMLS

The internship at the Library of the Jewish Theological Seminary involved an in-depth assessment of the moving image materials in the Library's Johanna Spector Collection. Bequeathed by former faculty member Johanna Spector in 2008, these moving image materials consist of production elements from Spector's eight documentaries on the religious and cultural traditions of under-represented Jewish communities. The internship involved the creation of a comprehensive inventory of the collection's many items and a in-depth assessment of preservation priorities and approaches. Together with Director of Library Services Naomi Steinberger and the Administrative Librarian for Technical Services Sara Spiegel, I determined a plan of action for preservation of and acces to Spector's remarkable moving images.

Seth Anderson at the Library of the Jewish Theological Society

Seth Anderson at the Library of the Jewish Theological Society

Seth Anderson at the Library of the Jewish Theological Society

Seth Anderson at the Library of the Jewish Theological Society