Art(core) and the Explicit Body: The Films of MM Serra

NYU’s Cinema Studies Department and Undergraduate Film & TV Department present
The 9th Annual Experimental Lecture
Art(core) and the Explicit Body: The Films of MM Serra
Wednesday, September 26, 2018 7:00 pm
Michelson Theater
Department of Cinema Studies
Tisch School of the Arts
721 Broadway, 6th Floor
Since 2008, the Experimental Lecture Series has presented veteran filmmakers who immerse themselves in the world of alternative, experimental film. Our intention is to lay bare an artist’s challenges rather than their successes, to examine the gnawing, ecstatic reality of the work of making art.
MM Serra ignites the world of avant-garde film. For three decades in New York City, she has produced some of the most thought-provoking work on women and erotics in cinema today. Serra’s unwavering passion for experimental cinema extends beyond her practice as an artist. Since 1993, she has worked as the Executive Director of the Film-Makers’ Cooperative where she distributes, preserves and exhibits an extraordinary collection of films and videos.
“As an artist with the name Mary Magdalene, my entire body of film work and the films that I have researched and curated, are striving to create alternative images of the body, of sex, and of intimacy – images that are about individuality and freedom of expression, rather than standardization and profit.” (MM Serra)
The lecture will conclude with a rare screening of Barbara Rubin's Christmas on Earth.
Tonight's Experimental Lecture will be introduced by Lynne Sachs (Curator) and Chris Straayer (Cinema Studies, NYU).
Our previous speakers for the Experimental Lecture Series have been Peggy Ahwesh, Craig Baldwin, Bradley Eros, Ernie Gehr, Barbara Hammer, Ken Jacobs, Jonas Mekas and Carolee Schneemann.
For more information, contact Experimental Lecture Curator Lynne Sachs or
Free and open to the public.