Day With(out) Art

NYU Tisch School of the Arts is proud to partner with @visual_aids for Day With(out) Art 2022
This year's presentation, BEING & BELONGING, is a program of seven new videos centering the emotional reality of living with HIV today. The program features new work by Clifford Prince King, Jaewon Kim, Mikiki, Davina “Dee” Conner & Karin Hayes, Camila Arce, Jhoel Zempoalteca & La Jerry, and Camilo Acosta Huntertexas & Santiago Lemus.
A day of mourning and action that uses art to respond to the ongoing HIV and AIDS crisis, Day With(out) Art encourages museums, universities, museums, and art institutions to present related programming on or around December 1, World AIDS Day. AIDS is not over!
The trailer for the film will be showing on screens throughout 721 Broadway. The film will be showing on a loop in its entirety in Room 1076 on the 10th Floor at 721 Broadway.
#daywithoutart @visualaids @cliffordprinceking @etc.1 @mkkultra @pozitivelydee @karin_hayes @sidiosa @jhoelze @__lajerry @huntertexasvideo @santiagolemuss