Performing In/And/As Buenos Aires


Program Overview

Buenos Aires has a vibrant theatre community with more than 400 venues. You will find everything from mainstream performances like musicals, tango shows, and major dramas on Avenida Corrientes, to independent theatres with experimental work in neighborhoods such as San Telmo and Palermo.

In this course students will not only experience performance in Buenos Aires, but will experience Buenos Aires as a performance in and of itself by analyzing queer tango, gender-inclusive language, mate drinking, café culture, murga, and the omnipresence of Eva Perón in theatre productions and in everyday life. Thus, Buenos Aires is the lens (or case study) through which students will examine performance, and performance is the lens through which students will experience and examine Buenos Aires.

Spend two weeks exploring Argentinian culture and experiencing performance of all kinds. Classes will include visits to culturally significant locations and neighborhoods to fully immerse you in the artistic atmosphere of Buenos Aires.


Core Curriculum

Students admitted for this program will enroll in the following 4-unit course. 

Performing in/and/as Buenos Aires

ITHEA-UT 1030 | 4 units | Instructor: Erin Mee

In this course we will experience and study a wide range of theatre and performance in Buenos Aires. Buenos Aires hosts more theatre per capita than any other city in the world, and we will attend theatre pieces that can be understood by both English- and Spanish-language speakers. More broadly, we will experience Buenos Aires as a performance in and of itself by analyzing queer tango, inclusive language, mate drinking, and café culture. Thus, Buenos Aires is the lens (or case study) through which we will examine performance, and performance is the lens through which we will experience and examine Buenos Aires. The course is designed in such a way that all the ideas you encounter about performance are “transferrable” to other contexts. It is also designed in such a way that you will be invited to experience many aspects of life in Buenos Aires and to visit many neighborhoods, providing you with an insider’s view of the city. Classroom discussion will be conducted in English. Readings, play texts, and performances will be available in both English and Spanish. No prior knowledge of Spanish is required, though it is welcomed.

Colorful buildings in Buenos Aires, Argentina

Program Dates

January 5 - 16, 2026

Check-In and Check-Out dates for 2026 are TBA.

Arrival and departure dates are subject to change.

Traffic on a busy street in Buenos Aires, Argentina


The January 2026 application will open on August 18, 2025. 
January 2026 Application Deadline: October 6, 2025

This course is open to NYU and visiting undergraduate sophomores, juniors, and seniors.


Tisch Undergraduate Drama Majors:  Introduction to Theatre Studies (THEA-UT 500) and Introduction to Theatre Production (THEA-UT 510).*

*Prerequisites are waived for Undergraduate Drama transfer students.

Please read the following application requirements before starting your application.

Note: Students should wait to receive their admissions notification and confirmation that the program is running prior to purchasing airline tickets. Students accepted to the program should purchase refundable airline tickets and/or travel insurance in the event the program is canceled or program dates are changed due to world events. It is strongly recommended that students purchase insurance for trip cancellation, flight cancellation, luggage loss or damage, as well as medical and accident coverage.


Expenses for January 2026 are TBA.

January 2025

Undergraduate Tuition: $7,664
Program Fee: $364
Housing Fee: $2,400 (Students will be housed in a hotel. Details TBA.)
Student Visa: $150

Airfare: Students will be responsible for booking their own flights to and from the program.

Please review the Tisch Special Programs cancellation policy.

Visit the NYU Office of the Bursar for additional information on tuition and fees.