Save the Date!
The Tisch School of the Arts All School Choir
Drama Cantorum
Winter Concert, Gloria
under the direction of Ralph Affoumado, director
Friday, December 3
8 p.m.
The Basilica of Saint Patrick s Old Cathedral
263 Mulberry Street
Corner of Prince and Mott Streets in New York City
For this special occasion, the Drama Cantorum is proud to present the United States Premier of Giacomo Puccini s Requiem, which was written in 1905 in honor of the 1901 death of Verdi. Herbert Handt, conductor and musicologist, generously introduced the rare score to Mr. Affoumado. Through our research, and to the best of our knowledge, this Puccini work has never been performed in the United States. This performance by the Drama Cantorum will be the Requiem s debut here.
The concert will be accompanied by various keyboards, viola, and cello.The choir will also perform works by Bach, Praetorius, Bernstein, Bloch, and Gounod. In addition, four new works by student composers which are dedicated to the Basilica will be performed.
The concert is dedicated to St. Patrick s Old Cathedral where the choir has been performing and rehearsing. St. Patrick s Old Cathedral was recently named a Basilica by Pope Benedict XVI. Its new name is: The Basilica of Saint Patrick s Old Cathedral.
Tickets sold at the door: $15 Adults, $7 students, all children under 6 free. Doors open at 7:00 p.m.
For ticket reservations call the Cantorum Hotline at 212-726-2079.
The Tisch All School Choir is offered to all undergraduate students at New York University through the Open Arts curriculum. Details are available on the Tisch Special Programs website.
Winter Concert: Giacomo Puccini s Requiem
Monday, Nov 1, 2010