Career Pop-Up: Tisch Office of Career Development

Got career questions? TOCD is doing a virtual pop-up for IMA/ITP on Thursday afternoon, April 16th! This is a great way to get cover letter/resume feedback or get tips on your internship/job search. These consultations are first-come, first-served and limited to 10 minutes if other people are in the queue. Here’s how it works:
- Ten minutes before the Virtual Pop-Up begins, the registration form will open for sign-ups. To get on the queue, please do the following:
- *Phone - Fill out the form at When it is your turn, a TOCD staff member will initiate the phone call at the number you've provided.
- *Video/Zoom - Fill out the form at A TOCD staff member will Gchat or email you with a link to a Zoom session. Please click on the link after receiving it and wait until the TOCD staff member joins your session.
- If you’re seeking cover letter/resume feedback and are requesting a phone/video consultation, the form includes a section where you can share your Google Doc links.
- Once you've requested a consultation, please remain available during this session time. If you sign up and do not respond when the TOCD staff member contacts you for your turn, you will lose your spot and they will move on to the next person in the queue. If that happens, you will be emailed an instruction to get back in the queue by filling out the Pop-Up form again.
- All drop-in consultations will be limited to 10 minutes if other people are waiting in the queue but if you feel like you need more time, you can jump back into the queue by filling out the registration form again.
Please be aware that the registration form may close prior to the end of the Virtual Pop-Up session. If this occurs, it’s because the list is full. However, you can always get a consultation during TOCD’s regular Drop-in hours, which are Tuesdays 11:30am-1pm and Wednesdays 2:30-4pm ET. The TOCD staff looks forward to working with you!