![Cast and Crew of Emilija Gašić's film "The Wait"](/content/dam/tisch/grad-film/News/2018/2nd Year Showcase/IMG-71ce7a2f540c55360b8c76e5ab967802-V.jpg.preset.600.jpeg)
Cast and Crew of Emilija Gašić's film "The Wait"
![Behind the Scenes on Hanna Mundal's film "Hør (Listen)"](/content/dam/tisch/grad-film/News/2018/2nd Year Showcase/IMG_8960.jpg.preset.600.jpeg)
Behind the Scenes on Hanna Mundal's film "Hør (Listen)"
What inspires you?
"What mostly inspires my work are little moments of connection between strangers. I also feel deeply inspired by my classmates and our diverse stories." - Ninna Run Palmadottir
"My family. I wouldn’t be here without them and their support. I mean that literally. They kept my cast and crew fed, watered, and warm on the coldest days of the year." - Kathleen W Chew
"I don't know what inspires me - it's probably a collection of experiences. The people around me and the work they produce inspires me and pushes me to do better. I'm also a big fan of pulp and cult movies. One of the films I found the most inspiring from this year was the Safdie Brothers film "Good Time". I really liked how it grabbed you from the begging and didn't let go. It had a twisted and cruel sense of humour that I enjoy. The films I find the most inspiring are usually the most arresting. I want to be physically affected when watching a film. I also try and find inspiration in real life. Union Square is one of the craziest places I've ever been, when I'm feeling good I'll go and people watch. I wasn't that into people watching when I lived in Ireland. That was probably because Ireland is cold and wet so people don't live their lives outdoors. I found this website that chronicles all the weirdos that hang out there. I'm fascinated by ugly things." - Ciaran Maginn
![Behind the Scenes of Kayla Arend's film "Chicken Boy"](/content/dam/tisch/grad-film/News/2018/2nd Year Showcase/Photo_01.jpg.preset.200.jpeg)
"Video games and disco music." - Izik Alequin
"Big mountains and oceans. Music albums that I listen to on repeat. My classmates, who are creating their own worlds with vision and imagination. Museums with expressive imagery. My parents and the women I grew up with as my best friends. Heartbreak. Other artists whose work has moved me, made me feel a little more alive, or less alone. And Beyonce." - Molly Gillis
"During the time that we were shooting these movies, a revolution in the film industry was taking place. Changes often come with bright sides, but also very dark hits. Very often, we'd find ourselves between takes reading about the news, debating causes and constantly checking ourselves and our own relationship to the film community and the stories that we were about to tell. There was not a single day that I didn't feel inspired by this air of change, of wonder, of revolution, of braveness. The realization that a change in the way movies are made is not only possible, but also in our own hands." - David Moragas
"I was inspired by the subtle tensions that, if aggravated, can cause ordinary life to blow up." - Alex Wiske
![Behind the scenes of Rashad Frett's film "K.I.N.G."](/content/dam/tisch/grad-film/News/2018/2nd Year Showcase/RashadF1.jpeg.preset.200.jpeg)
"Making people feel. For me telling a story and having the opportunity to show it is not about right or wrong, liking it or not. For me it is about feeling." - Andrea Susana Vaca Silva
"What I find most inspiring is usually my inner, subconscious world. The dreams I often have are filled with a certain atmosphere that I keep trying to recreate in my films. For this film in particular I have finally had the opportunity to shoot in a place which has inspired me and occupied my dreams for as long as I can remember - my grandparents' house. It was exciting to work with my DP (Yu Chao Feng) who is from a completely different part of the world and see how he interprets the place I know so well." - Emilija Gasic
"I am inspired by true stories that break the mold of conventional narratives - specifically stories that change popular ideas of American identity." - Grant Hyun
"My inspiration are the successes of my fellow classmates and alumni." -Rashad “Shad” Frett
![Behind the Scenes of Cameron Laventure's film "Potion Masters"](/content/dam/tisch/grad-film/News/2018/2nd Year Showcase/Cameron.JPG.preset.600.jpeg)
Behind the Scenes of Cameron Laventure's film "Potion Masters"
What was your biggest triumph or a lesson you learned making your film?
"The biggest triumph was to let myself be completely vulnerable in the process of making the 2nd year film. The emotional journey of a project like this is such a valuable opportunity to grow as a filmmaker. One of the biggest lessons was that you should give yourself the time you need to prepare and shoot. It really helps you be present on set." - Ninna Run Palmadottir
"Triumph: I made a thing with people I love.
Lesson: You probably shouldn’t produce your own second year film." - Kathleen W Chew
"I learned a little every step of the process. The strongest element in my film I think is the ending which was the least scripted scene in some ways. I experimented with my process a lot in this film and had successes and failures but this was definitely a success. I had a Cast and Crew who were really invested in making something good and we managed to carve out something I'm very proud of. But really my lucky break was finding my lead. Jackson is very talented and manages to garner sympathy for someone who isn't the most likable character." - Ciaran Maginn
"I made my film for less than $900, and I'm proud of the results. It shows that you don't need a ton of resources to express yourself. You just need an idea and a camera. (Sometimes not even a camera.)" - Izik Alequin
![Behind the scenes of Chew Chia Shao Min's film "Between the Two of Us"](/content/dam/tisch/grad-film/News/2018/2nd Year Showcase/shao1.jpg.preset.200.jpeg)
"Biggest Triumph: Directing 25 screaming kids in a gymnasium and getting them to act. The triumph belongs to my whole crew too, who had laser focus in pulling that scene off. Greatest Lesson: Speak up for yourself and ask for what you want and need- it's your job as a director to work hard for the story you're trying to tell. If something isn't right, people aren't going to be offended if you ask them to change it. Make space for yourself and take risks." - Molly Gillis
"Trust your gut, stay hydrated and if your mother suggests that you should sleep a little more, listen to her." - David Moragas
"Biggest triumph was cleaning up the entire house and getting the whole crew on a train 50 minutes after wrap. Biggest lesson was to have backup locations." - Alex Wiske
"Lo que no te mata, te hace más fuerte (What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger). It is true. Along the process you will encounter various difficulties that will build a skill of solving and moving on. It hits you when you trust others and they don't put any effort to help, but it also makes you realize the ones you can rely on and that will be there no matter what." - Andrea Susana Vaca Silva
![Behind the scenes of Grant Hyun's film "Koreatown"](/content/dam/tisch/grad-film/News/2018/2nd Year Showcase/IMG_3848.JPG.preset.200.jpeg)
"Gathering the right people for this project. I was very lucky that my crew members were positive throughout the whole time and have left the shoot after four days referring to each other as family. I am also proud to have been able to get the amazing cast. Being stubborn and determined pays off :)" - Emilija Gasic
"My biggest triumph in making my second year film was working with my lead actor who had never acted before. His boss told him to give up on whatever dreams he had before we started filming. We worked hard in rehearsals and he delivered a beautiful performance. It felt good to make the film about someone else's success and not just my need to tell a story." - Grant Hyun
"My biggest triumph was completing the film despite obstacles that arose daily. A lesson that I’ve learned is that you can never ever be over prepared. Shit can always happen so you gotta have a plan B just in case." -Rashad “Shad” Frett
![Behind the Scenes of Molly Gillis's film "Now You Know"](/content/dam/tisch/grad-film/News/2018/2nd Year Showcase/molly.png.preset.600.jpeg)
Behind the Scenes of Molly Gillis's film "Now You Know"
Why should people attend the Showcase?
"You have a chance to sit back and travel the world through all kinds of stories and experiences. Sounds pretty f-in great to me." - Ninna Run Palmadottir
"The crazy amounts of talent that is seeping out of the pores of all of my classmates. And you never know: one of these films could be nominated for an Oscar." - Kathleen W Chew
"There are a lot of great diverse films this year. There is something for everyone. My favorite experience this year has been watching others grow into incredibly talented filmmakers. These films have been only watched by people on our faculty and fellow students. I think everyone is excited to see how they play in front of a real audience." - Ciaran Maginn
"It's going to be like reading the best book of short stories ever. It'll be a tour through the heads of a couple dozen strange people with really exciting imaginations." - Izik Alequin
![Behind the scenes of Amrita Singh's film "Thank You Come Again"](/content/dam/tisch/grad-film/News/2018/2nd Year Showcase/9f39c2ac-c176-4049-a596-c971b339d873.JPG.preset.200.jpeg)
"It's like stepping inside of 30+ people's brains across the globe in 2 magical days of short films! It's an amazing reflection of our world. And such a unique experience to be exposed to stories you've never seen before. And important, I think. Stretch your mind, expand your heart!" - Molly Gillis
"As a filmmaker, you can only hope that the stories you tell will also resonate with an audience. That is the best thing one can get from attending this –and any screening, really–: a sense of community, of belonging, a shared mourn, a scare, a laugh." - David Moragas
"Despite the abundance of content on the internet, short narrative films are often crowded out by other content. With the showcase, you get a high concentration of quality film curated for you. Most importantly, every film is very much from the perspective of the filmmaker, so you get to see the world through so many sets of trained eyes." - Alex Wiske
![Behind the scenes of Ciarán Maginn's film "Lil' Bitch"](/content/dam/tisch/grad-film/News/2018/2nd Year Showcase/CiaranDir1.jpg.preset.200.jpeg)
"For me film is a way of expression. People should come to be a part of different experiences that somehow reflect a part of who each one of us are." - Andrea Susana Vaca Silva
"Come see and hear stories that prove the importance of independent film: the showcase shines a light on narratives that have not been included by popular culture." - Grant Hyun
![Behind the scenes of Andrea Vaca's film "Colisión"](/content/dam/tisch/grad-film/News/2018/2nd Year Showcase/AndreaVaca_Colision.JPG.preset.200.jpeg)
"People should attend the showcase to get an early look into the new generation of filmmakers displaying their individuals voices. And it’s gonna be dope!!!!!!!!!" -Rashad “Shad” Frett
Watch the trailer for the showcase below: