Tisch Alumni Script Critique and Networking Group

Tisch Alumni Script Critic & Networking Group
Organized by Barry Putt, the purpose of this monthly event is to promote collaboration and community within Tisch alumni community. Writer members will have a place to present their dramatic script work and receive peer feedback. Actor members will have an opportunity to work on new works in their early stages of development with the possibility of productions outside of NYU once completed. All participating Tisch alumni will be able to foster connections with fellow alumni from various Tisch departments. Each meeting features four writers presenting fifteen minutes of their work. This is followed by fifteen minutes of peer feedback.
Meeting Details:
Writers -- If you'd like to present a script at an upcoming meeting, please contact me to book time.
Actors -- Casting for readings will be done at the start of each meeting.
This program is made possible in part by the Tisch Office of Alumni Relations and Tisch East Alumni Council.
If you are interested in attending, please purchase a free Eventbrite ticket. To register click here