Class by Sidra Bell

Class by Sidra Bell

Class by Sidra Bell
Sidra last worked with SADC in 2010. Returning this year, Sidra is directing a new creation, Spherical Heart. Ever since Sidra was younger, building shapes was a basic concept of what she understood dance to be: “cartographies of the body.” Ground research is a settling beginning to her process; for example, collectively warming up the body.
A ritual most commonly taken in a masterclass setting, strips down to the underbelly beginning to everyone’s day...or in this case, a dance. This communal exercise is translated into the choreographic laboratory for Sidra and her dancers. She emphasizes that, “we come out of a context together, instead of me being a seperate authoritarian entity in space.”
Outside of the studio, there is no super imposition working within her design team. Sidra and her costume designer, Stine Dahlman, converse about what these entities on stage are. Sidra pushes everyone in the studio to be responsible for the creative process. “We are all participating and developing a world on stage, rather than superimposing; crystallizing every possibility... Settling down and finding the heaviness of time evolve the construction of time as a whole on stage.” Let alone the expression and cinematography Sidra can illuminate out of her dancers on stage, a kinship has formed in the room, and that is a memorable element to any process.