Pursuing Justice Series: Identifying With Comics

Comics can offer a reprieve from our sometimes exhausting realities and allow our imaginations to explore infinite possibilities. However, who do these stories resonate with?—Learn how BIPOC artists like Sharon Lee De La Cruz and Ashanti Fortson are expanding these narratives.
Dive into the world of comics through CMEP’s fall Pursuing Justice Series event. BIPOC creators are doing powerful work to create more representation in comics and uplift the stories of historically marginalized communities. Featured guests Sharon Lee De La Cruz—storyteller, educator, and activist, as well as an NYU Tisch assistant arts professor—and Ashanti Fortson—cartoonist, illustrator, comic editor, and educator—will each share how they use comics to explore the complexities of intersectional identities, while also giving a mini tutorial on how to illustrate your own comics.
**There will be special giveaways, free CMEP swag, and a themed photo booth. The first 50 people to arrive will also receive a blank comic book.