"Me & Mine delves into the profound emotional landscape of identity transformation entwined with the journey into motherhood. The narrative encapsulates the intricate dance of self-discovery and loss, drawing inspiration from my mother's revelation that, with my arrival, she willingly bestowed a piece of herself upon me. In the tender process of physically bringing forth life, she simultaneously surrendered her individuality, becoming not only May but also, and irrevocably, Helena’s Mom.
The photographs in Me & Mine capture mothers in the act of reclaiming their agency. Positioned center frame, they gaze directly at the viewer, inviting a direct exchange that challenges conventional views of motherhood. With roles reversed, mothers take the spotlight, no longer overshadowed by their children. Me & Mine is an intimate reflection on the nuanced layers of motherhood, offering a visual testament to the profound intertwining of self and offspring. It speaks to the universal experience of mothers navigating the delicate balance between individual identity and the all-encompassing role of nurturer. In each frame, the essence of Me & Mine unfolds—a mother redefined, a self rediscovered."