“A Day” is a mobile application built pair with the “A Day in the Life of the River” program’s existing workbooks and experiments. “A Day in the Life” is coordinated by the Central Pine Barrens Commission, Brookhaven National Laboratory’s Portal to Discovery, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation.The program educates participants on the uniqueness of Long Island's NY State-designated Wild and Scenic rivers. On a single day, environmental education partners and students all along the river will simultaneously collect scientific information, analyze it and share it to portray the status of the river and estuary ecosystem. In addition to providing in the field GPS and timestamp referenced data collection, app will provide facts about the environmental data they are collecting, hints about materials needed and how to perform each task.
Katie Adee is a designer and developer interested in the intersection of creative technology and environmental science. Her focus is creating tools for data collection and visualization and she has a particular interest in using these tools in the natural world. She believes that open, accessible, and well represented data can act as snapshots in time, and help avoid shifting baselines for overall health of our local ecosystems, or at the very least, provide evidence for a convincing argument.